[Jobinfo] Fwd: [Ieee_vis_open_positions] PostDoc Position in ERC AdG CHANGE at CNR-IMATI, Genova (Italy)
Mon Apr 23 06:44:36 CEST 2018
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Subject: [Ieee_vis_open_positions] PostDoc Position in ERC AdG CHANGE
at CNR-IMATI, Genova (Italy)
Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2018 11:02:34 +0200
From: Giuseppe Patane' via ieee_vis_open_positions
Reply-To: Giuseppe Patane' <patane@ge.imati.cnr.it>
To: Giuseppe Patanè <patane@ge.imati.cnr.it>
Dear All,
the *Shape and Semantics Modelling Group* at the *Institute of Applied
Math and Informatics of the Italian National Research Council (CNR
IMATI) in Genova *is seeking talented *PostDoc researchers to work on
polygonal/polyhedral mesh generation, analysis and manipulation methods
to support Polyhedral Element Methods (PEM) for PDEs*. The research will
be targeted to the development of novel domain discretization approaches
able to support multi-resolution and/or adaptive domain
representations/refinements. Previous experience either in geometry
processing and applied math are preferred.
The research activities will be carried out at CNR-IMATI in the context
of the *H2020* *ERC Advanced Grant CHANGE (New CHallenges for adaptive
PDE solvers: the interplay of ANalysis and GEometry), a joint research
project among EPFL-MNS, the CNR-IMATI institute, RICAM and JKU-LINZ*.
*The competition for the PostDoc position is now open:*
*Deadline for applications: 31st May 2018*
For any further information, contact: Michela Spagnuolo
<mailto:michela.spagnuolo@ge.imati.cnr.it>) and Guseppe Patane’
(patane@ge.imati.cnr.it <mailto:patane@ge.imati.cnr.it>).
Best regards,
- 3D representation methods (polygonal/solid meshes, voxels, point
clouds, implicit surfaces...)
- Spatial data structures (binary trees, octrees, Kd-trees...)
- Libraries for geometry processing (e.g., CGAL, OpenMesh, VCG, libIGL, ...)
- Numerical solvers (e.g., Eigen, Gurobi, GMM, Mosek, IPOPT, CHOLMOD,
- Proficiency in English (mandatory)
- PhD in Computer Graphics / Engineering / Applied math
- Good publication record (EG/SGP/TOG/CAD/TVCG are best)
- Basic knowledge of FEM (preferable)
- Basic knowledge of IGA (preferable)
Giuseppe Patane'
CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
IMATI - Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche
Via De Marini, 6
16149 Genova, Italy
Phone: +39-0106475684
Fax: +39-0106475660
e-mail: patane@ge.imati.cnr.it <mailto:patane@ge.imati.cnr.it>
Home: http://www.ge.imati.cnr.it
Home Page: http://pers.ge.imati.cnr.it/patane/Home.html
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