[Jobinfo] Fwd: Open PhD position in the Area of Vision for Robotics

Thu May 15 09:36:01 CEST 2014

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Open PhD position in the Area of Vision for Robotics
Date: 	Wed, 14 May 2014 13:33:01 +0000
From: 	Markus Vincze <Vincze@acin.tuwien.ac.at>
To: 	werner.purgathofer@tuwien.ac.at <werner.purgathofer@tuwien.ac.at>
CC: 	Thomas Mörwald <Moerwald@acin.tuwien.ac.at>

Lieber Werner!

Da ich Dich telefonisch nicht erreicht habe - wir suchen einen Dissertanten mit Graphik- und Programmierkenntnissen. Ist zufällig jemand bei Dir feritg geworden oder wird bald, den Du mir empfehlen kannst? Details Unten. Du kannst das bitte gerne weitereleiten.
Allerbesten Dank

------ Open PhD position in the Area of Vision for Robotics, TU Wien
V4R Gruppe: http://www.acin.tuwien.ac.at/forschung/v4r/

Topic: Real-Time Object Tracking and Modelling
Field: Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, Robotics

Description: Work on algorithms for visual 3D object tracking and 3D reconstruction of objects in a typical table-top scene. Develop novel methods for real-time reconstruction, tracking and optimization of the object shape and position.
Extend and improve existing algorithms on object tracking and detection (BLORT)

- Master in Computer Science, Computer Graphics, Informatics or related fields.
- Experienced in C++, OpenGL and GLSL
- Strong background in geometry, affine transformation, projective geometry (pinhole camera model).
- Good understanding of mathematical concepts of statistics (probability theory, MC particle filtering) and optimization (gradient descent, step-width control, ...)
- Basic computer vision knowledge (edge extraction, colour spaces, image

Work in the "Vision 4 Robotics" group of the Automation and Control Institute.
Work with international experts to evaluate the requirements for a object detection, tracking and modelling tool.
High scientific impact expected, since the BLORT framework is well established in the community.
Develop state of the art methods for robotic applications.

Prof. Markus Vincze
Dr. Thomas Mörwald


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