[Jobinfo] Fwd: [Ieee_vis_open_positions] Opening : Doctoral research assistant position: Visual analytics of mobile behavior data

Fri Oct 4 15:22:44 CEST 2019

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Subject: 	[Ieee_vis_open_positions] Opening : Doctoral research 
assistant position: Visual analytics of mobile behavior data
Date: 	Fri, 4 Oct 2019 15:11:58 +0200
From: 	. s a r a . via ieee_vis_open_positions 
Reply-To: 	. s a r a . <sara.fabrikant@geo.uzh.ch>
To: 	ieee_vis_open_positions@listserv.uni-tuebingen.de

Dear Colleagues

Please share below widely - also available here:

Thank you and best wishes,

The Geographic Information Visualization and Analysis (GIVA) group at 
the Department of Geography, University of Zurich (UZH) invites 
applications for a doctoral research position in the context of the UZH 
Digital Society Initiative. The project, at the interface of GIScience 
and cognitive science, aims to analyze mobility patterns and geographic 
information use behavior in varying mobile decision-making contexts.

We seek an intrinsically motivated researcher who will work effectively 
and efficiently on a research project involving mobile sensor data to 
better understand the impact of digitalization on mobile geographic 
information use, decision making, and behavior. The PhD position will 
have a focus on spatial analytics and geovisual analytics methods for 
analysing fine-grained interaction data with mobile applications. Beyond 
this focus, there will be close collaborations with our 
interdisciplinary team.

A completed MSc in geography or a closely related discipline (e.g., 
geomatics, cognitive science, computer science, data science, etc.) is 
required. Preferably, the primary domains of contribution within 
GIScience include geographic information visualization/geovisual 
analytics, spatial cognition, quantitative (empirical) research methods, 
and related areas. A strong background in quantitative data analyses, 
statistics (R) and programming (Python) for geographic information tools 
would be an asset.

A good command of written and spoken English is indispensable. Although 
not required, knowledge of German would be an advantage. Applications 
from women and under-represented groups are especially encouraged.

The successful candidate will be hired on a 1-year contract (starting 
January 1st, 2020, or soon thereafter), which will be extended to the 
nominal 4-year PhD period after positive evaluation.

For informal thematic inquiries about the position, please contact:

Dr. Tumasch Reichenbacher
Senior lecturer
Geographic Information Visualization and Analysis
University of Zurich, Switzerland tumasch.reichenbacher@geo.uzh.ch, 
phone: +41 44 635 54 40

More information regarding the team and the Digital Society Initiative 
can also be found on the following websites:

Applications must include a motivation letter, CV, transcripts, and the 
contact information of two referees. Review of applications will begin 
in October 2019 and will continue until the position is filled. Please 
send the full digital application in one PDF file to 

s a r a i r i n a f a b r i k a n t
p h d | p r o f e s s o r
. . . . . . . . . . g e o g r a p h y
university of zurich
winterthurerstr. 190
CH-8057 zurich
tel: +41-44-635.51.50
fax: +41-44-635.68.48
. . . . . . . . . . .
www.geo.uzh.ch/giva | @giva_uzh visualizegeo.info ERC :: 
www.dsi.uzh.ch | icaci.org

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