[Jobinfo] Fwd: [Ieee_vis_open_positions] Postdoc position at the intersection of visualization/HPC and climate research (Universitaet Hamburg)

Sat Jun 1 18:40:21 CEST 2019

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Subject: 	[Ieee_vis_open_positions] Postdoc position at the intersection 
of visualization/HPC and climate research (Universitaet Hamburg)
Date: 	Mon, 27 May 2019 15:15:45 +0200
From: 	Marc Rautenhaus via ieee_vis_open_positions 
Reply-To: 	Marc Rautenhaus <marc.rautenhaus@uni-hamburg.de>
To: 	ieee_vis_open_positions@listserv.uni-tuebingen.de

Dear colleagues,

we invite applications for a 6-year Postdoc position at the intersection
of computer science and atmospheric/climate science as part of the
project "CLICCS - Climate, Climatic Change, and Society" at Universität
Hamburg. The focus will be on in-situ data analysis, feature extraction,
and visualization techniques for usage in HPC environments. This is a
great opportunity to become part of a young and innovative, newly
established visualization team at the Regional Computing Center of
Universität Hamburg, tightly integrated into the local scientific
environment including both computer and atmospheric sciences. Please see
the detailed job description at


Note that we will extend the application deadline until the position is

With best regards,

Dr. Marc Rautenhaus

Universität Hamburg | Regional Computing Center | Visualization
Schlüterstrasse 70 | 20146 Hamburg | Germany

Tel.:  +49 40 42838 7339
email: marc.rautenhaus[at]uni-hamburg.de

Met.3D homepage: http://met3d.wavestoweather.de/
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