[Jobinfo] Fwd: [Abteilung] Fwd: tenure track + 5 PhD in Data Science, Uni Vienna

Mon Apr 9 08:58:08 CEST 2018

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	[Abteilung] Fwd: tenure track + 5 PhD in Data Science, Uni Vienna
Date: 	Sun, 8 Apr 2018 19:12:58 +0200
From: 	Eduard Gröller <groeller@cg.tuwien.ac.at>
To: 	Mitarbeiter der Abteilung 186/2 <abteilung@cg.tuwien.ac.at>
CC: 	Kresimir Matkovic <matkovic@vrvis.at>, Harald Piringer 
<hp@vrvis.at>, Max Höfferer <mhoefferer@cg.tuwien.ac.at>

Dear colleagues,

job offers in data science at Uni Wien. Please forward to potentially 
interested candidates.



MAX: Kannst du bitte das Jobangebot unter 
http://datascience.univie.ac.at/job-opportunities/ ausdrucken und bei 
uns aushängen? Danke.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	tenure track + 5 PhD in Data Science, Uni Vienna
Date: 	Fri, 6 Apr 2018 14:23:34 +0200 (CEST)
From: 	Torsten Möller <torsten.moeller@univie.ac.at>
To: 	Eduard Gröller <groeller@cg.tuwien.ac.at>, Ivan Viola 

Lieber Ivan, lieber Edi,


Koenntet ihr bitte diese Stellen an geeignete Personen weiter leiten? Die sind
nicht notwendigerweise in Vis, aber in CS, Math, oder Stats. Danke!
  					Torsten Möller.
Tel.: +43.1.4277.79010

Subject: Vienna tenure track position in Data Science

The Vienna Science Fund provides a great opportunity for tenure track positions
in Vienna. The position will provide up to 1.6 million Euros for up to 8 years.
It will require a university host. The newly established interdisciplinary
research group Data Science @ University of Vienna would be happy to support
applicants in the area of Data Science. For details about us and the procedure,
please consult:http://datascience.univie.ac.at/job-opportunities/

Please send us your information by Apr 30th.
Contact: Anne Marie Faisst (anne.marie.faisst@univie.ac.at)

Subject: 5 Data Science PhD positions at the University of Vienna

Starting Date: May 1st, 2018
Application deadline: April 30th, 2018
Duration: 3 years
Job ad:https://tinyurl.com/ds-UniVie

Data Science @ Uni Wien is a new research platform at the University of Vienna
that presents a hub on all activities in data science at the University of
Vienna. We have openings for five enthusiastic PhD students to establish an
interdisciplinary research environment. The PhD students will be hosted in one
of the faculties of Computer Science, Mathematics, or Business, Economics and
Statistics. Each of the PhD students will be co-supervised by members of at
least two different faculties and work on research problems in one of five
domains, Astronomy, Digital Humanities, Finance, Industry 4.0, Medical

Applications including:
    - Letter of motivation that clarifies the candidate’s particular
      domain(s) of interest and the target phd programme
    - Curriculum vitae
    - List of publications
    - Evidence of teaching experience (if available)
    - Degree certificates
should be submitted via the Job Center to the University of Vienna
(http://jobcenter.univie.ac.at) no later than Apr 30th, 2018, mentioning
reference number 8347.
Contact: Anne Marie Faisst (anne.marie.faisst@univie.ac.at)

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