[Jobinfo] Fwd: [Members] [General] Open starting PhD position

Fri Jul 1 14:10:02 CEST 2016

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Subject: 	[Members] [General] Open starting PhD position
Date: 	Fri, 1 Jul 2016 13:24:53 +0200
From: 	eurographics@eg.org
To: 	general@eg.org

    Open starting PhD position

The Geometry and Graphics Group, established in 2007 at Universitat de 
Girona, Catalonia (Spain), invites applications for the position of a 
phD student with focus on applied computational geometry, with 
applications on parallel spatial data processing.

We are seeking a motivated and talented PhD student with interest in 
computational geometry and parallel programming (GPU or CPU). The 
research will be carried out in the context of spatial data processing 
specifically with applications in facility location or in trajectory 
data analysis.  The work will be performed within the scope of a 
research project from Miniesterio de Educación y Ciencia of the Spanish 

The position is open immediately until filled. It is offered on the 
level of a non-permanent university research student for one year, along 
this year the student will be able to apply for different grants offered 
from the spanish government, the catalan government and the Universitat 
de Girona.

Candidates should send electronically an application with letter of 
motivation, complete CV, grades and transcripts, relevant certificates, 
and possible links to relevant prior publications via email. The 
material should be sent in PDF format to:

mfort@imae.udg.edu <mailto:mfort@imae.udg.edu>

Please feel free to get in contact in case of questions. We are looking 
forward to hearing from you.

Marta Fort
Geometry and Graphics Group  (GGG)
Research Center for Visualization, Virtual Reality and Graphics 
Interaction (ViRVIG)
Universitat de Girona
Catalonia - Spain

http://ima.udg.edu/~mfort/ <http://ima.udg.edu/%7Emfort/>

Other members of the Geometry Lab of GGG:
Toni Sellarès - http://imae.udg.edu/~sellares/ 
Narcís Coll - https://www.udg.edu/tabid/8656/ID/51996/default.aspx

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