[Jobinfo] Fwd: Funded Master or PhD student position in 3D environments and HCI

Thu Apr 21 08:55:25 CEST 2016

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Subject: 	Funded Master or PhD student position in 3D environments and HCI
Date: 	Wed, 20 Apr 2016 11:48:58 -0300
From: 	Luciana Nedel <lunedel@GMAIL.COM>
Reply-To: 	Luciana Nedel <lunedel@GMAIL.COM>

Please disseminate this call.
(Apologies for multiple copies)

A fully funded graduate (Master or PhD) student position on Visualization, Human-Computer Interaction and Teleoperation in the Graduate Program of Computer Science at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)

Appointment: 34 months (with possible upgrade from Master to PhD and extension)
Monthly scholarship: R$ 3.065,00

Please note that the scholarship value for this project is far above the regular CNPq and CAPES values.

Requirements: to present a bachelor or master diploma in Computer Science or related area

An ideal candidate for this position has excellent programming skills, including experience with engines such as Unity3D and must have experience in at least two of these topics:
(i) human-computer interfaces,
(ii) 3D environments modeling and simulation,
(iii) computer vision, image processing and other sensor data applications.

The project goal is to develop, demonstrate and evaluate new interfaces for monitoring and controlling an in development robotic system for the oil industry in partnership with a large oil company (Petrobras). Sensor fusion data analytics and safe interface approaches will be considered. This is a three years research project in collaboration with several partners: SENAI-SC, SENAI-RS, UFRGS-Faculty of Engineering, UFRGS-Institute of Informatics.

Excellent candidates must submit a presentation letter, CV and contact information of at least two professional references (e.g. former advisor, employer, supervisor).

Start: immediate
Location: Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil

For further information please contact:

Prof. Anderson Maciel (amaciel@inf.ufrgs.br)
Prof. Luciana Nedel (nedel@inf.ufrgs.br)
Prof. Luciana Nedel
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
Institute of Informatics - Caixa Postal 15064
91501-970 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil
Phone: +55-(xx)51-3308-7037  Fax: +55-(xx)51-3308-7308

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