[Jobinfo] Fwd: [Ieee_vis_open_positions] Postdoc and research fellow positions in Helsinki

Thu Oct 2 11:13:54 CEST 2014

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[Ieee_vis_open_positions] Postdoc and research fellow 
positions in Helsinki
Date: 	Thu, 18 Sep 2014 19:46:53 +0300
From: 	Samuel Kaski <samuel.kaski@hiit.fi>
To: 	ieee_vis_open_positions@listserv.uni-tuebingen.de

[Several positions include information visualization. /Samuel]

Postdoctoral and Research Fellow Positions in Computer Science in Helsinki, Finland

Application deadline October 12, 2014

Topics include: Algorithms, Augmented Research, Bioinformatics, Distributed Algorithms,
Distributed Computing, Human-Computer Interaction, Logic, Machine Learning, System Design, etc.

More info at: http://www.hiit.fi/node/2856

Why Helsinki? The collaborating Aalto University and University of Helsinki form a leading hub of
computer science and modelling. Helsinki region is a safe, pleasant and attractive place to live in,
with well-functioning services such as public transport etc. Finland has a comprehensive social
security and health care system, including exceptionally good parental leaves and children's day
care services.

Group leaders: Professor Keijo Heljanko, Dr. Antti Honkela, Professor Giulio Jacucci,
Docent Tomi Janhunen, Professor Samuel Kaski, Professor Harri Lähdesmäki,
Professor David McGookin, Professor Petri Myllymäki, Professor Jukka Suomela,
Professor Hannu Toivonen and Professor Stavros Tripakis.

ieee_vis_open_positions mailing list

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