[Jobinfo] Fwd: [Members] [General] Post-doc & PhD position on physically-based animations of complex materials available at TU Munich

Tue Oct 29 09:51:53 CET 2013

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Subject: 	[Members] [General] Post-doc & PhD position on 
physically-based animations of complex materials available at TU Munich
Date: 	Mon, 28 Oct 2013 17:08:20 +0100
From: 	<eurographics@eg.org>
To: 	<general@eg.org>

One post-doctoral researcher and one Ph.D. position are available at the 
Technical University of Munich in the area of physically-based 
animations of complex materials for games and movies.

The Technical University of Munich currently has a new research focus on 
computer games and digital effects. A particular emphasis lies on the 
efficient simulation of complex materials, such as deformable bodies, 
fracture and fluid effects. It is an area that has found wide spread use 
in the movie industry, but many challenges remain to employ these 
techniques in games, and to use increase usability of the simulations.

While the program will focus on fundamental research topics, industry 
relevance is likewise a strong focus. Especially the area of computer 
games so far is a challenging field for expensive simulations due to the 
strict time and resource constraints. The goal of this program is to 
push the boundaries of complex physics simulations for interactive 

Research areas include, but are not limited to, data-driven algorithms 
and machine-learning approaches, efficient parallel solvers, accurate 
discretizations and procedural modeling of physical phenomena.

If you are interested in applying, you should have a strong background 
in numerical algorithms, have experience implementing C/C++ algorithms, 
and you should be excited to work on state-of-the-art research in the CG 
area. Good English skills are also a plus. For the post-doctoral 
position, you should have a strong publication record in computer 
graphics, or a related discipline such as computer vision, applied 
physics or numerical math.

This is a full time position, with payment and benefits according the 
German public service employment levels (TV-L E13, 100%). To apply, 
please send your CV to the address below. Also, if you have questions, 
simply send a mail to:

Nils Thuerey
Email: nils.thuerey@tum.de <mailto:nils.thuerey@tum.de>
Phone: +49 (0)89 289 19484 <tel:%2B49%20%280%2989%20289%2019484>

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