[Jobinfo] Fwd: Postdoctoral position call Barceloa-Girona (Spain)

Thu Jun 20 10:58:48 CEST 2013

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Postdoctoral position call Barceloa-Girona (Spain)
Date: 	Wed, 19 Jun 2013 15:38:19 +0200
From: 	Xavier Pueyo <xavier.pueyo@gmail.com>
To: 	undisclosed-recipients:;

*Postdoctoral position* at ViRVIG (Research Centre for Visualization, 
Virtual Reality and Graphics Interaction) www.virvig.eu 

The Council for Research of the Catalan Government has opened a call for 
postdoctoral positions addressed to young researchers that got their PhD 
after January 1^st  2010.

ViRVIG is interested in hosting a young researcher, either in Barcelona 
(UPC) or Girona (UdG). The postdoctoral project to be developed should 
fit within  one of the research areas of the ViRVIG (or be close) and 
will be agreed between the candidate and the advisor (one of the senior 
researchers of the Center). The results of the selection process wil be 
known at the beginning January 2014.

The contract will be for one year with a possible extention for a second 
year. The gross salary is of 2.100€/month which is reasonable given the 
cost of living in Spain. The contract includes the possibility of a 
small teaching load  (up to 60 hours/year).

If you are or could be interested in this call, please contact us ASAP 
given that the submission must be completed before July 6^th .

Contact: Xavier Pueyo

xavier.pueyo@udg.edu <mailto:xavier.pueyo@udg.edu>



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