[Jobinfo] Fwd: Project assistant (PhD student)
Wed Jul 18 15:19:39 CEST 2012
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Subject: Project assistant (PhD student)
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2012 11:37:01 +0200
From: Oliver Bimber <oliver.bimber@jku.at>
To: Dieter Schmalstieg <schmalstieg@tugraz.at>, Werner Purgathofer
<wp@cg.tuwien.ac.at>, Eduard Gröller <groeller@cg.tuwien.ac.at>, Dieter
Fellner <d.fellner@igd.fraunhofer.de>, Bodo Urban
<bodo.urban@igd-r.fraunhofer.de>, Ivo Ihrke
<ihrke@mmci.uni-saarland.de>, schumann@informatik.uni-rostock.de, Horst
Bischof <bischof@icg.tugraz.at>, Neil Dodgson
<Neil.Dodgson@cl.cam.ac.uk>, Kari Pulli <karip@nvidia.com>, brown Brown
<brown@comp.nus.edu.sg>, Alan Chalmers <alan.chalmers@warwick.ac.uk>,
Christian Nitschke <christian.nitschke@gmx.net>, Gordon Wetzstein
<gordonw@media.mit.edu>, Ramesh Raskar <rameshraskar@yahoo.com>, Kiyoshi
Kiyokawa <kiyo@ime.cmc.osaka-u.ac.jp>, Maurizio Seracini
<seracini@editech.com>, roberto scopigno <roberto.scopigno@isti.cnr.it>,
Nassir Navab <nassir.navab@tum.de>, Paul Debevec <debevec@ict.usc.edu>,
Hong Hua <hhua@optics.arizona.edu>, Hideo Saito
<saito@ozawa.ics.keio.ac.jp>, Bruce Thomas <Bruce.Thomas@unisa.edu.au>,
Ron Azuma <azuma@acm.org>, Mark Mine <Mark.Mine@disney.com>, Mark
Billinghurst <mark.billinghurst@canterbury.ac.nz>, Aditi Majumder
<majumderaditi@gmail.com>, Yang Xubo <xubo.yang@gmail.com>, Ramesh
Raskar <rameshboston@gmail.com>, Michael Goesele
<michael.goesele@gris.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de>, Daisuke Iwai
<daisuke.iwai@sys.es.osaka-u.ac.jp>, Gerhard Reitmayr
Dear all,
would you be so kind and distribute this job offer among your (very
talented) students.
*Project assistant (PhD student)*
*The Institute of Computer Graphics at the Faculty of Technology and
Natural Science at the*
*Johannes Kepler University Linz (www.jku.at/cg <http://www.jku.at/cg>)
is seeking a projected assistant (PhD*
*student) for a project duration of three years (extendable). According
to the wage agreement*
*of university employees, the gross salary is 27,000 EUR/year (30h per
*Applicants must hold a Master or Univ. Diploma degree in computer
science or related fields,*
*such as mathematics or mediainformatics, and should have profound
experience in one or*
*more of the following areas: computer graphics, computer vision, visual
*The research focus will be on development of novel computational
photography / light-field*
*photography methods, i.a. in the course of a basic research project
funded by the Austrian*
*Science Foundation (FWF).*
*Additional duties include the support of the acquisition of third-party
funds, the collaboration*
*in teaching, and the supervision of theses in master-, bachelor-, and
diploma courses.*
*Candidates must be fluent in English (speaking and writing). The
candidate has the possibility*
*to obtain a Ph.D. degree.*
*Linz (http://www.linz.at/english/), the European Capital of Culture, is
a nice place in the*
*beautiful alpine uplands between Salzburg and Vienna. For further
information, please*
*contact Univ. Prof. Dr. Oliver Bimber, Ph. +43 732 2468-6631,
oliver.bimber@jku.at <mailto:oliver.bimber@jku.at>,*
*To increase the quota of women in academia, we especially encourage
female candidates to*
*submit applications. At equal qualification, female candidates will be
preferred. Disabled*
*applicants with adequate qualification will come into special
*Applications including curriculum vitae, photo, copies of transcripts
and certificates must be*
*submitted to Prof. Dr. Oliver Bimber, Johannes Kepler University Linz,
Institute of Computer*
*Graphics, Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz, Austria, or by email:
oliver.bimber@jku.at <mailto:oliver.bimber@jku.at>, no*
*later than August 13th, 2012.*
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