[Jobinfo] A hunt for a medicine visualization researcher for a copule of months

Wed Jan 25 14:11:55 CET 2012

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	A hunt for a medicine visualization researcher for a copule of 
Date: 	Wed, 25 Jan 2012 10:12:22 +0100
From: 	Ivana Kolingerova <kolinger@kiv.zcu.cz>
To: 	Borut ZALIK <zalik@uni-mb.si>, Helwig Hauser 
<Helwig.Hauser@UiB.no>, Alexej Kolcun <alexej.kolcun@ugn.cas.cz>, Eduard 
Sojka <eduard.sojka@vsb.cz>, groeller@cg.tuwien.ac.at
CC: 	Josef Kohout <besoft@kiv.zcu.cz>

Dear colleagues,

a send you an urgent call for a researcher&  programmer on a EU project.
It is only for a couple of months but it may be a good tool for somebody
willing to work in science, who wants to take some experience, or who
wants to try this type of job and then decide about his/her future. It
can also serve you as leaders of the group to financially support
somebody, whom you want to keep in science, but cannot financially
support at this moment. As it is short, you will not lose the person for
a long time. Prolongation of the stay }on some other project}is possible
but not granted (rather exceptional).

Please, consider this, if you have any tip, let he/she contacts me or
the head of the project, dr. Kohout<besoft@kiv.zcu.cz>, as soon as


Post: Research Fellow (vedecky pracovnik)
Start Date: As soon as possible
End Date: 31.10.2012 or sooner (to be negotiated)
PhD or at least master degree in compute graphics or related area
C++ programming skills
experience in at least one of following areas (or related): meshing,
Laplacian deformation of surface meshes, VTK, GPGPU,  mass-spring
systems, particle systems, FEM, boolean operations
Expected Work: conducting research under EU project FP7-ICT-223865 VPHOP
WP10 whose aim is to model and simulate muscle fibres paths at
interactive rate as the bones move. The exact issue is to be negotiated.
Prof.dr.ing.Ivana Kolingerova

Department of Computer Science
University of West Bohemia
Univerzitni 8, Box 314
306 14 Plzen
Czech Republic

tel.: +420-37763-2433  direct,  +420-37763-2401  secretary,
fax:  +420-37763-2402

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