[Jobinfo] Fwd: PostDoctoral Positions
Sun Feb 13 18:00:19 CET 2011
>Envelope-to: wp@cg.tuwien.ac.at
>Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2011 10:30:54 +0100
>From: Fred Hamprecht <fred.hamprecht@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de>
>User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US;
>rv: Gecko/20101207 Thunderbird/3.1.7
>To: undisclosed-recipients:;
>Subject: PostDoctoral Positions
>Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
>bitte geben Sie diese beiden Angebote an geeignete KandidatInnen weiter.
>Mit bestem Dank
>Fred Hamprecht
>PostDoctoral or Senior Researcher Position in Image Analysis /
>Pattern Recognition
>In the context of the German excellence initiative, the University
>of Heidelberg invites applications for a senior research position in
>Image Processing / Pattern Recognition for a duration of two years,
>with possible extension.
>The aim is to develop methods for segmentation or pattern
>recognition that can be trained with an absolute minimum of human
>interaction. A possible research direction is to employ shape
>information in the inference process, and find ways to train the
>permissible range of shape variability with as little interaction as
>possible. (Semi-supervised) active learning from weak labels is
>expected to play a role in this endeavor. The successful candidate
>is encouraged to cast his or her results into a form that is truly
>usable for experimentalists by contributing to the ilastik project
>(see http://www.ilastik.org ). This requires excellent programming
>skills in templated C++ and, preferably, python.
>The position will be affiliated with the Heidelberg Collaboratory
>for Image Processing (HCI) that is funded by the German Research
>Foundation (DFG), industrial partners and the University. The
>mission of the HCI is to conduct basic research with the aim of
>providing cutting-edge solutions to basic image analysis problems
>for applications in industry, environmental and life sciences.
>The HCI comprises five research groups (Garbe, Hamprecht, Jaehne,
>Ommer, Schnoerr) with about 80 senior researchers, PhD students and
>undergraduates. It is directed by a steering committee including the
>corresponding heads and representatives of the industrial partners.
>The HCI is part of the Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR).
>The gross salary ranges from 36.7kEUR to 46.8kEUR (i.e. TVL/13 up to
>TVL/14) plus social benefits, depending on qualification and experience.
>Applications should include a complete CV, the PhD thesis (or a link
>to it), a list of publications, references (name, homepage), and be
>sent by Email in PDF-format to hci@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de. The search
>process starts now and will remain open until a suitable candidate is found.
>"Cellular Networks" is an Excellence Cluster at the University of
>Heidelberg which brings together experts from different fields with
>the aim of unraveling the workings of Life. The Excellence Cluster
>now invites applications for
> PostDoctoral Positions (2 years, with possible extension)
>Specifically, the group for Multidimensional Image Processing (lab
>of Fred Hamprecht) at the Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image
>Processing (HCI) is looking for
> Outstanding candidates with relevant experience in
> machine learning, computer vision or image processing
>to develop new algorithms for learning-based image analysis, with an
>eye on possible applications such as the following:
>- high throughput high content image analysis
>- advanced cell tracking for developmental biology
>- advanced segmentation schemes for connectomics
>The HCI is currently the largest center for image processing in
>Germany and offers a vibrant and stimulating environment. Applicants
>are encouraged to cast their contributions into a usable and lasting
>form via the ilastik project (see http://www.ilastik.org)
>Applications include a cover letter, a draft project proposal (1-2
>pages), curriculum vitae and copies of certificates of academic
>qualifications held, and should be sent in pdf format by email as
>soon as possible, but no later than March 13th, 2010 to
>Prof. Dr. Fred A. Hamprecht
>Multidimensional Image Processing
>Director, Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing (HCI)
>Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR)
>University of Heidelberg
>Speyerer Strasse 6
>D-69115 Heidelberg
>Tel +49-6221-54 88 00
>Assistant Ms. Werner
>Tel +49-6221-54 88 75
>Fax +49-6221-54 52 76
Werner Purgathofer | Tel. +43(1)58801 18655
Technische Universitaet Wien | http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at
(DVR: 0005886)