[Jobinfo] Fwd: PHD: open post in image-based object recognition at Edinburgh

Fri Aug 20 20:43:28 CEST 2010

>Envelope-to: wp@cg.tuwien.ac.at
>Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2010 14:08:36 +0100
>From: Bob Fisher <rbf@inf.ed.ac.uk>
>To: wp@cg.tuwien.ac.at
>Subject: PHD: open post in image-based object recognition at Edinburgh
>         University of Edinburgh
>         School of Informatics
>         One PhD Post - Computer Vision
>Applications are invited for one fully funded PhD student
>to work in the School of Informatics on an
>EC funded project entitled "Fish4Knowledge: Supporting humans in
>knowledge gathering and question answering w.r.t. marine and
>environmental monitoring through analysis of multiple video streams".
>Informatics at Edinburgh is one of the top-ranked departments of
>Informatics in Europe.
>The consortium's project goal is to investigate: information abstraction and
>storage methods for reducing the massive amount of video data (from 10E+15
>pixels to 10E+12 units of information), machine and human vocabularies for
>describing fish, recognising fish and retrieving examples from a massive
>image database, flexible process architectures to process the data and
>scientific queries and effective specialised user query interfaces. A
>combination of computer vision, database storage, workflow and human
>computer interaction methods will be used to achieve this.
>The main research of the PhD student will be in appearance based
>object recognition. The unique aspects of the project are that
>rather than having 100s of very different objects, here we
>will have 100s of very similar objects (tropical fish).
>So, we will be looking for subtle discriminations,
>hopefully at the level of species, but perhaps at the level
>of genus or family. Another unique aspect of the PhD project
>will be access to up 10^9 instances of the different fish.
>   http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/rbf/Fish4Knowledge/
>for more details of the project.
>Applicants must have a good BS/BSc or MS/MSc
>degree (A/B, 1st class/2.i) in an appropriate area, such as computer science,
>mathematics or engineering and should be competent in the MATLAB and C/C++
>programming languages and have good mathematical skills.
>As the project is about image and video data analysis, we will be looking
>for applicants who have studied computer vision, image processing and
>machine learning.
>Closing date for applications is September 10, 2010.
>The online application form can be found at
>     http://www.ed.ac.uk/schools-departments/informatics/postgraduate/apply
>When applying, use the term "Fish4Knowledge" as the answer in the
>Research Area box.
>Informal inquiries may be made to Bob Fisher: rbf@inf.ed.ac.uk.
>Prof. Robert B. Fisher, School of Informatics, Univ. of Edinburgh
>1.26 Informatics Forum, 10 Crichton St, Edinburgh EH8 9AB, UK
>+44-(131)-651-3441 (direct line), +44-(131)-651-3443 (secretary)
>Fax: +44-(131)-650-6899 E-MAIL: r.b.fisher A@T ed.ac.uk
>The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
>Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

  Werner Purgathofer             | Tel. +43(1)58801 18655
  Technische Universitaet Wien   | http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at
  (DVR: 0005886)