[Jobinfo] Fwd: Post-doc positions at leipzig

Fri Sep 19 15:23:09 CEST 2008

>I have a vacancy for a staff position in visual computing/analytics for
>bioinformatics, and I was wondering if you could
>pass it to potentially interested students in or around your lab. I
>attached the official job ad to this email.
>------ 8< ------- 8< ------- 8< ------- 8< ------- 8< ------- 8< -------
>Prof. Dr. Dirk Bartz                       Universität Leipzig
>Visual Computing (ICCAS)                   Phone: +49-341/97-12100
>Email: dirk.bartz@medizin.uni-leipzig.de   Fax:   +49-341/97-12009
>WWW:   http://www.iccas.de/?id=bartz
>Scientific Staff/PostDoc Positions (TVL-E13-O/TVL-E13)
>Universität Leipzig/Universität Tübingen
>Two full scientific staff position are available in the project
>VAExpress in the context of the DFG Focus Program „Scalable Visual
>Analytics“ at the Universities of Leipzig and Tübingen. The central
>subject of the overall project is the visual and statistical analysis
>of molecular biology highthroughput data.
>One full staff position in visual computing is available at the
>Visual Computing research group at the ICCAS center of the medical
>faculty of the University of Leipzig for initially three years. The
>research focus of this position is on the design and application of
>methods of visual computing (computer graphics, visualization, image
>analysis) in the context of the analysis of expression data from life
>sciences. Keyword: Visual Computing
>The prospective applicant for the position in visual computing should
>have a university degree (MS preferred) in computer sciences/ 
>bioinformatics, electric engineering, mathematics, or physics with
>outstanding grades and the good teamwork ability. Knowledge in
>Computer Graphics and/or Computer Vision is expected and knowledge in
>Bioinformatics is desirable. We expect the applicant to pursuit an
>advanced academic degree (e.g., a PhD).
>The core aim of the Statistical Computing project followed in the
>Center for Bioinformatics at the University of Tübingen is to
>continue the development of a visual analytics framework with the
>emphasis on the statistical analysis of microarray data, appropriate
>model development and integration with graphical representation.
>Keyword: Statistical Computing
>The candidate should have a Ph.D. in bioinformatics or computer
>science with a strong publication record and professional references.
>The ideal candidate will be an expert in the area of microarray
>analysis, statistics and computer graphics. Experience in C++/Java/R
>is of advantage.
>The Universities of Leipzig and Tübingen are equal opportunity
>employers. Women and individuals with disabilities are in particular
>invited to apply.
>Enquiries and applications (CV, certificates list of publications, a
>cover letter of motivation including a short summary of research
>interest, and the contact information of two references) should be
>addressed by email or surface mail to:
>Visual Computing: Prof. Dr. Dirk Bartz, Universität Leipzig, ICCAS/ VCM, 
>Semmelweisstr. 14, 04103 Leipzig, Germany, dirk.bartz@iccas.de,
>Statistical Computing: Dr. Kay Nieselt, Center for Bioinformatics
>Tübingen, Sand 14, 72076 Tübingen, nieselt@informatik.uni-tuebingen.de